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Idiopathic disease is defined as one that develops without any apparent or known causes. That is the term used for fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, including Lupus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. While many of these diseases have recognizable signs and symptoms, the lack of causality haunts medical schools, doctors, practices, and hospitals. The only one benefitting from the lifelong symptom treating associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, Autoimmune disease, or Fibromyalgia are the pharmaceutical companies who sell billions in medication to treat them. A long list of pain medications, sleep-aids, anti-depressants and anti-inflammatories is not sufficient because the diagnosis is incorrect. So let’s look at what the possible causes are to these diseases.
Below, is a quick list of causes and we will give a clinical review and explanation as to what takes place.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia have been linked with genes involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. These genes regulate response to trauma, injury, and other stressful events. 10 years of Envita’s clinical experience shows that while such traumas could play a role in the etiology (the trigger to exhibiting symptoms) of the disease, they are not likely the causes of these conditions.
HPA makes up a multi-set of direct influences and feedback interactions among the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland (a pea-shaped structure located below the hypothalamus), and the adrenal, also called “suprarenal,” glands which are small, conical organs on top of the kidneys.
The interactions among these organs constitute the HPA axis, a major part of the neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates many body processes including digestion, the immune system, mood, emotions, sexuality, as well as energy storage and expenditure. Infectious disease, such as chronic Lyme Disease Complex, impacts the HPA-axis via neurotoxins that compete for the same receptor sites used by the HPA-axis. In fact, such infections can bring about identical symptoms of some idiopathic diseases listed above and many of the symptoms associated therewith. This should bring our attention to the Lyme Disease Complex, which is composed of a number of infections and neurotoxins that bring about even more symptoms than those listed earlier in this article.