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Sunday, 19 August 2012

All Chronic Pain Patients Please Sign and have your Voice Heard Worldwide

What happens in the USA and the FDA often travels across the pond to Ireland and Europe we need to have our voices Heard,

We are responsible chronic Pain Patients taking Pain meds to have some sort of quality of life, 

Well, on my soap box for another day. Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP) has asked the FDA to change wording thta would effectively block drug companies from marketing opioids for ALL chronic pain. The changes would also h
ave the effect of severely limiting any opioid treatment of any chronic pain.

Current science is telling us that chronic pain in many ways is a disease itself, mo matter what the trigger. It can be started by Tarlov cysts arachnoiditis Fibro or disc problems etc.or any other Health  reason for Chronic Pain  but once the chronic pain is there it has a life of its own. Diseases like arachnoiditis do provide chronic triggers to fan the flames. We do not have a way to reverse or eliminate the arachonoidits but we may be able to alter the pain response.

One Salem Oregon Newspaper is a strong supporter of PROP and their petition. Their lead "investigator" has state that it is CRIMINAL to consider chronic pain as a disease and not merely a "symptom". If you had any doubt, that shoud lconvince youthat we need to STOP PROP.

PLEASE get more signatures to our petition. We are at 235: