Dr's NS, treating Tarlov Cyst Patients Worldwide
Feigenbaum, Frank, M.D. (Neurosurgeon) Main Office: 9080 Harry Hines Blvd, Ste 210, Dallas, Texas 75235
Phone (214) 351-8450 / Fax (214) 351-8451Satellite Office: 12330 Metcalf Ave, Ste 500B, Overland Park, KS 66213
Midwest Neurosurgery Associates, PC
6420 Prospect Ave., Suite T411
Kansas City, MO 64132
Phone: 816/363-2500
Fax: 816/363-8741
Link to Dr. Feigenbaum's website: http://www.frankfeigenbaum.com
Patient Support Group,
tarlovcystsurvival @yahoogroups.com New Members Welcome,
Research Medical Center Kansas City, MO./Tarlov Cyst Institute
Henderson, Fraser C. Sr. M.D. (Neurosurgeon)
The Metropolitan Neurosurgical Group, LLC
7830 Old Georgetown Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814-2432
Phone 301/654-9390
Fax: 301/654-9394
Note: To seek a consultation with Dr. Henderson, you will need to make an appointment with his office to see him. Please do NOT mail your MRIs and medical information to him requesting a consultation.
Kathuria, Sudhir, M.D. (Interventional Neuroradiologist)
Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology
600 N. Wolfe Street
Radiology B-100
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410/955-8525
Fax: 410/614-8238
Long, Donlin ,M.D. (Neurosurgeon)
Joppa Green II 2328 West Joppa Road
Suite 103
Lutherville Maryland 21093
Phone: 410-828-7513
Link to Dr. Long's website: www.donlinlong.com
Note: Dr. Long retired from clinical practice at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute effe. His new practice will focus on spinal diseases, which are painful, including patients with perineural cysts. He will not be actively involved with surgery for Tarlov cysts but will refer surgical patients to active surgeons.
Although Tarlov cyst surgery is no longer being performed at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the aspiration & fibrin glue injection procedure is still being performed at JHH by Dr. Sudhir Kathuria, Interventional Neuroradiologist (contact information above)
Schrot, Rudolph J., MD (Neurosurgeon)
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of California at Davis
4860 Y Street, Suite 3740
Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: 916-734-6511
*This phone number is a direct line to Robert Dillman, Admin. Asst. to Dr. Schrot
If you reach a message machine, please leave your name, contact number, and that you are a Tarlov cyst patient;
Mr. Dillman will return your phone call.
Fax: 916-703-5368
Murphy, Kieran M.D. MB FRCPC FSIR (Interventional Neuroradiologist)
Vice Chair Deputy Chief Medical Imaging
University of Toronto
399 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2S8
Phone: 416-603-5800 Ext. 2393
Fax: 416-603-4257
the aspiration & fibrin glue injection procedure for Tarlov cysts treatment is postponed until further final approval of the Research Ethics Board.
Please do not send MRIs for consultative review or request a consultation with Dr. Murphy until final approval is received.
NOTE: Phone numbers to Europe are complete with International codes/country codes/city codes.
Maitrot, Daniel M., M.D. (Neurosurgeon)
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine
The Université Louis Pasteur
67098 Strasbourg CEDEX, Strasbourg, France
Phone: 011 33 388.12.76.14 and 15
Zollner, Georges, M.D. (Interventional Neuroradiologist)
Department of Neuroradiology
The Université Louis Pasteur
67098 Strasbourg CEDEX, Strasbourg, France
Marcettini, Paolo, M.D. (Neurologist with specialty in Pain Management)
dell' Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano
Milan, Italy
Phone: 011 39.02.2643.3206
Arantes, Aluizio, M.D.
Belo Horizonte